torsdag den 11. september 2014

To MarckozHD

This product is to an Youtuber called MarckozHD who has a great interest in football/soccer and Minecraft. He sent me an email, a few days after I had made products to MrFousing. He wanted me to make pictures to his channel and facebook. I hope this will satisfy his wish.

One without the Danish flag on

One with the Danish flag on.

I was thinking: "He likes to play and  watch football/soccer, so why not make a "logo", that has something to do with football/soccer"

The reason I have not been making products lately is simply because I am studying on AAU, which has not been giving me much spare time, but now I am giving myself some time to think, create and to think how to change my destiny.

I will soon do stuff again xD.

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